Got this old beauty from original owner, who even raced with it the first few years. Later he added fenders and used to ride to work and back etc. Bike was put to hang on the attic ceiling around 1980 and not ridden since that. Now cleaned, waxed and fully serviced, with new chain, brake and shift wires and casings, brake blocks and brake lever hoods, nos Soviet USSR tubulars and cloth handlebar tape.
Automoto Champion Du Monde 1958 (Vitus cr-mo frame tubing), frame no.594385
Automoto (Vitus cr-mo)
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Stronglight steel cottered crankset and bottom bracket
Campagnolo record (1970's) with AFA steel toeclips and Cristophe leather straps
Simplex JUY chainrings 50--47t/ Atom 5-speed freewheel 13-23t/ Hg 40 chain
Simplex JUY 543 rear derailleur/ Simplex JUY front derailleur/ Simplex JUY shift lever
Henri Gauthier G17 leather saddle/ steel seatpost
LAM super dural
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Mavic rim, Normandy hub, USSR tubular tyre
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Mavic rim, Normandy hub USSR tubular tyre
Flint catchers/tyre scrapers
Added by Sammy. Last updated 2 days ago.