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Bamboo V Single Speed Prototype

In 1991 as a student at Western Washington Vehicle Research Institute I was working on an Intake for a Lotus Europa we had just put a Mazda Rotary in. I needed carbon fiber sock material. My professor Dr.Michael Seal introduced me to then Alsop. They were making the material, the wever and a beam seat setup. Another professor in the composites department was developing bladder molding for bicycles and was working with Alsap on what was the first Power V Beam frame. Having been in cycling from age 13 on we hit it off splendidly well and in one of our engineering chats an alternative beam concept that later became my third year design project came to life in my sketch book. the design was made from carbon tubes and had a rigid beam and super stiff lower frame similar to today's trial bikes. two years ago while cleaning my desk i came accros the notebook and having done research in bamboo and composite i got the thought to try a bamboo V using that old design. This is the result and more frames using my own bamboo carbon engineered tubing is in progres .

V Beam By Bicycle-Arts

Carbon Fiber With Aest Threadless Semi-Integrated Headsets Sealed Cartridge Bearings 1 1/8"

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
YTC Sealed Bottom Bracket with FSP Crank

New-Old-Stock Dia-Compe "SVX" with TEKTRO TL720 Aero TT Time Trial Bar End Brake Levers

Added by AFactor. Last updated over 9 years ago.



alleycatfish says:

this is INSANE. hats off to you!

Posted about 7 years ago


40degreerake says:

Coolest bike in the room. Nice work.

Posted over 7 years ago


GhostRidingTheWhip says:


Posted about 6 years ago


vstkrc says:

That's a fine piece of engineered artwork there. Made even better by the fact you were able to personally design it!

Posted over 9 years ago