last bike givenaway by Bicycle Guide magazine.About a year after being diagnosed with MS.This bike saved my life by getting me mobile.
genius tube set,very thin steel
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
all campy,8 speed cog
all campy,brifters
Sella Italia,Campy
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Bianchi cages,bottles,seatbag
More Info:
the first of the herd.also anAxis cross and Martini/Rossi team mountain(boron frame),all reparto corse.also a mongrel fixie,
Added by sloman. Last updated over 9 years ago.
Sweet Bianchi. I love the Celeste color and the 8 speed Campy Ergo drivetrain.
Posted about 9 years ago
What a great story about the bike. Bless Your Heart and Happy Riding! I can see how people really latch on to a bicycle, especially Bianchi.
Posted over 9 years ago
Beautiful bike. Beautiful story. My father's been struggling with MS for some time, so it's particularly heartening to come across this story... and, in the small world department, I grew up on LI, too. Really, though... Gorgeous bike. Those tires. That tape. That steel in that shape.
Posted over 9 years ago
Awesome bike, awesome story. Glad you're still up and movin! Long live Bianchi!
Posted about 10 years ago
Che BELLA!! Could it be that my Green Goddess is in some way related?! I can see why you thought it might be Italian now.
Posted over 12 years ago
Can it get any better? A very nice italian steel frame and a wellformed italian gruppo on it. If i get the permission to criticize one point here... ...these kind of ITM stems are ugly as hell. May you change this for a better looking one if you renewal the handlebar tape.
Posted over 12 years ago
ugly is only if it doesn't work. This stem is perfect fit so I give it a pass on looks. Cheers
Posted over 12 years ago
IMHO, one of the sweetest looking classic or modern Bianchis. No joke.
Posted over 12 years ago
Thanks RDNT, ya the Bianchis have"modern" Brake/shifters. But the Romani reminded me how satisfying a down tube system is. Now to find a real track frame. Might cost a bit more though.Enjoy.
Posted almost 13 years ago
This is the deffinition of a road bike imo!
and I love the chrome on the fork....
one day when we make time machines, I'm going to disrupt the fabric of space time so I can bring a few of these back frm the past so younger folks like me who were unfurtunately not able to have been around when to have ridden these bikes without having to drop 1000's
Posted almost 13 years ago
sloman, That is a great Bianchi. I like the yellow wrap front with the splash on the saddle bag, good balance. Lower that stem, straighten that saddle. keep on cranken and creaken.
Posted almost 14 years ago
ya as the season progresses seat goes up and stem goes down.adjustable stems are a thing of beauty eh?cheers
Posted almost 14 years ago
wow, they don't make 'em like this anymore. love the chrome stays and fork.
Posted over 14 years ago
OldFireleg says:
Great Bianchi. It really is a genius? I have never seen a genius with this '95-'96 fork paint scheme and at the same time with lugged frame. It is possible that a TSX or EL?
Posted about 8 years ago
sloman says:
Always wondered myself. Reciept says Genius, sticker too, shop that assembled it also. But anyway I won it from Bicycle Guide magazine so the price was right. My bucket bike. Still wonderful.
Posted about 8 years ago