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Carlton Flyer II 1949

Reynolds 531


Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Bayliss Wiley BB Magistroni chain set

Chater Lea road

Champion Du Monde 1946 NOS

Capo Berta GB bends

Brooks Swallow Reynolds R5

GB Levers Lan Super Dural 1940s

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Harden Hub `'bacon slicer' Conloy ASP rim

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Harden Hub Conloy ASP rim

Added by gb_. Last updated over 4 years ago.



Seamuis says:

Absolutely beautiful Carlton.

Posted about 6 years ago


bonnvelo says:

VCC member too? Nice - I learn something new every day, a lot to learn on vintage British classic lightweight :) enjoy it and btw I have enjoyed looking at your old and current steeds as well. Ornate lugs OCD ;) BR, Rogier

Posted about 6 years ago


gb_ says:

Thanks, I love finding them and bringing them back to life. I have just had a lucky discovery of two Maclean feather weight frames one of which I am selling, the other I have nearly completed. Both is a sorry state but underneath years of dusty oily, greasy muck the paint work was intact and the chrome, One frame also had the original JUY 543 rear derailleur, competition front changer and original lever, so lucky...
I will complete it this week and get it up on here. I will let you know when. Thanks for the interest. G

Posted about 6 years ago


bonnvelo says:

Lovely frame! Rare large size too :)
Just wondering: isn't it a Massed Start Special? I've never seen a Flyer with these lugs before, but a lot was possible back then. Enjoy the ride

Posted about 6 years ago


gb_ says:

Yes, massed start lugs but was called flyer II
Bought from the original owner who called it his Flyer.
I saw one on ebay 3 years ago, totally original, in this size too, it had the massed start lugs exactly the same and on the seat tube decal it said Flyer II, so we confirmed this as the same model with the ME at the time. i wish I had bought that one, very nearly did. Thanks for the comment, you are right a lot was possible back then..
Rides a treat and set up for the hills to work.

Posted about 6 years ago