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de rosa neo primato

Added by restorerolls. Last updated almost 11 years ago.



CUMBOT says:

... may i ask you a question: could it be that you have a little fondness for de rosa frames?^^

Posted almost 11 years ago


restorerolls says:

yes i personally have perference over colnago
masi polgluaghi ciocc gios. i had many. i was buying 1 a week. then i realized i always seem to choose a de rosa each day as i do my ride. so i decide to sell off all except for the de rosa's. now other ppl can enjoy the other bikes i owned. i had over 200 bikes. it was getting crowed in my house.

Posted almost 11 years ago


CUMBOT says:

... i believe you...^^ still a nice selection!

Posted almost 11 years ago


restorerolls says:

thank you. i plan to change the c record cranks
. too heavy. ill will change them to sr 11 titanium

Posted almost 11 years ago


664990085 says:

Very good very good

Posted almost 11 years ago