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WTB: Front wheel, radial or phil hub or aerojoke

March 2, 2014 04:49 AM
Hi guys and maybe the one lady who will read this,

I'm in the market for a new front wheel. I'm not looking for anything specific, just want to switch it up from the black deep V I have on bike currently. I have a few things I'm looking for and a few things I don't want, but am open to ideas. Looking to spend $50-$200 depending on what you have, also would consider a wheelset because I will eventually need a rear wheel for my GF's build. Basically if you have some extra wheel and/or wheels sitting around and you would be willing to ship them or are in the Bay Area (i'm in Oakland) feel free to post them here.

Pros: Phil, Chub, DA hubs. Radial lacing. mis-matched rim/hub colors. machined/durable sidewalls is important. having to emergency brake shouldn't destroy a wheels visual appeal.

Was going to do a con's list but for the right price I'd probably give an aerospoke or a campy vento or something with a gold hub a shot. Just no b43 please. too deep, too heavy, been there done that.

Also someone please buy my Godzilla. My girlfriend won't let me hang it on the wall and it looks sad in a box in my closet.

From: Bizzzerkeley, CA
287 posts
15 bikes

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