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Москва-80 USSR track

Москва80 56cm


Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Campagnolo Record 151/Москва80

Campagnolo Record


Cinelli Unicanitor / Kvant

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Fiamme Iride rims/Campagnolo Record hub

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Fiamme Iride rims/Campagnolo Record hub

More Info:
The Москва-80 project has started at 1978 and the aim was to build bicycles for Soviet cyclists for Olympiad 1980. Constructor was Reginald Vorontsov who later designed Takhion frames. In 1978-79 was built just 52 Москва-80 frames track and road both. This particular one made with Japanese Ishiwata 019 tubes (Ishiwata 019 and 022 were (like Tange #1 and #2) very comparable to Columbus SL and SP). Ishiwata ended up going bankrupt in 1993, but some of their employees went on to found Kaisei which is being used by a number of steel-frame bicycle builders today. It has a well-earned reputation for quality. Frame is quite light 1700gr. And fork is 700gr. With original components weight of complete bicycle is 7.0kg. At the end Soviet team use Colnago bicycles in Olympiad 1980. Anyway this is one of the best bicycles were made in Soviet Union.

Bike History

Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.

  1. Frameset+components
  2. Galli+3ttt
  3. Takhion components
  4. Москва-80+Тахион
  5. Moskva80 stem
  6. Москва80+Campagnolo

Added by das_spoon. Last updated over 7 years ago.

Latest 24 Comments

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Velodromer says:

Конструктором МОСКВА 80 является Георгий Панин . Реджинальд Воронцов присоединился к проекту при постройке трековой МОСКВА 80 ...я лично наблюдал в 1980 году на треке Динамо как после наших тренеровок Реджинальд Иванович испытывал его . Сам восстановил один из последних шоссейных МОСКВА 80 изготовленного для харьковского гонщика Анатолия Бессонова .

Posted over 2 years ago


masette says:

"das spoon" nowadays means awesomeness. great piece of history you've got here!

Posted over 8 years ago


das_spoon says:

Thanks, mate, for such compliment) this is really great piece of history and also best preserved Moskva80 I ever see. Paint and decals are original.

Posted over 8 years ago


dietrootbeer says:

this is gorgeous - and thank you for the history lesson!

Posted over 8 years ago


grangeyard says:


Posted almost 9 years ago


kobe says:

This is such a nice bike man!!

Posted about 9 years ago


das_spoon says:

you like blue frames as i see)

Posted about 9 years ago


kobe says:

mwah...i just happend to find always blue ones haha... and again
i picked up a blue gazelle champion mondial not so long ago :)

Posted about 9 years ago


Myketorio says:

I love your bike collection, very classic & rare.

Posted over 9 years ago


das_spoon says:

Thank you! It is will be great update in 2-3 month. stay tuned!)

Posted over 9 years ago


Karl says:

I'm so impressed with this bike and your execution of it too! Well done sir!

Posted over 9 years ago


GromCake says:

awesome build, great story behind the frame too!

Posted over 9 years ago


apolloxl says:

Hi, how wide are the Galli Tirreno Adriatico rims? Do you have more information on them? Do they have a proper brake surface?

Posted over 9 years ago


das_spoon says:

Hi! I really like this rims - they are light and stiff. but i wouldn't use it for brakes because they have no proper surfaces

Posted over 9 years ago


Shivn says:

So you bought frame from killy :D

Posted over 9 years ago


das_spoon says:

yes, i did)

Posted over 9 years ago


Nomad says:

Looking really good now

Posted over 9 years ago


satanist says:


Posted over 9 years ago


das_spoon says:

я очень рад этому велосипеду

Posted over 9 years ago


killy1 says:

Beautiful setup, super color match!!! That black rims look just great How did you like your first ride? Also what chain did you use here?

Posted over 9 years ago


das_spoon says:

Thank you! Glad you like setup) This is great ride bike. Chain is Regina pista

Posted over 9 years ago


killy1 says:

thought so, that chains are so cool.

Posted over 9 years ago


das_spoon says:

and how are you? happy with your new mafioletti?

Posted over 9 years ago


killy1 says:

sure, just waiting for a good weather to check it on local track :)

Posted over 9 years ago

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