Saw this on local advertising site - ad was already more than a half year old. I was happy after contacting the chap the bike was still there and he accepted my offer. No chain set, no BB, no seat post or saddle. Still looked interesting enough...
Welded frame (made in Japan?) for Centurion. Afaik batch ordered by Wolfgang Renner to introduce MTB's to the European market. Unknown tubing
Double fork crown
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Something from the parts bin: SR Custom 52/40 on Shimano BB BSA
Nothing special from the parts bin
5 speed back, 2 front
Deerhead RD, Shimano AL11 front (H year code), Shimano AT50 ThumbShifters
Fluted seat post from the parts bin (25.0mm)
Polygon cantilever
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
SR LF hub 1983, Sunn Rim, Kenda Amberwall
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
SR LF hub 1983, Sunn Rim, Kenda Amberwall
Added by bonnvelo. Last updated about 6 years ago.
Dimaz says:
Great bike! The bike probably has a Tange #2 tubing. I have almost the same -green Centurion Country from 1982 & it has tange tubing. And 100% that it is made in Japan.
Posted about 6 years ago