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Casati Track #1

10 years, 70K miles at work, in town and abroad.

Gold Line 55x58

Added by fauxriehl. Last updated about 6 years ago.



Thor says:

Now anybody wants to say anything about Italian engineering quality???
Who was that?

Posted over 5 years ago


fauxriehl says:

2008 NACCC, Chicago

Posted almost 6 years ago


Ronzonatron says:

Best bike on here,by far,for me! Mine never lasted ten years-lucky to get one year out of an old race frame. I wish one had-they were all beautiful.You say"almost"-so retired intact and rideable-that's so great!

Posted about 6 years ago


fauxriehl says:

Thanks, man. I'm always on the fence with using the chain lock on the new Casati. It'll end up looking the same eventually. And I know it's pretty now, but the reality is locking up with a chain lock is more secure, more capable of locking around a lot more that just a pole, and a visual deterrent. I'd rather have my bike and treat it like the last one than keep it pretty using just a U-lock and attract potential thieves. I get my bikes to ride.

Posted almost 6 years ago


alexliush says:


Posted about 6 years ago


fauxriehl says:

Believe it or not, this bike was as pristine as my new one when I got it. Somewhere I have a photo...

Posted about 6 years ago


alexliush says:

nice one, that's how we should ride our bikes.

Posted about 6 years ago


hwattsnola says:

sick as fuck

Posted about 6 years ago


fauxriehl says:

I don't think a bike can represent me any better. I nearly loved this thing to death.

Posted about 6 years ago


fauxriehl says:

SF Taxi trying to gun it through gridlock on a red, 2007 NACCC

Posted about 6 years ago