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Dave Lloyd 653 Rando/Audax/Tourer

Added by jambon. Last updated about 6 years ago.

As of about 6 years ago, jambon has indicated that they no longer own this bike.



georgeholmes26 says:

new acquisition? Would be good to see a build thread (please)!

Posted about 6 years ago


jambon says:

Hi George, this is the latest acquisition but will be selling it on as want to put money into turning my Genesis into a touring bike instead. If you're interested just let me know :)

Posted about 6 years ago


georgeholmes26 says:

Interesting thanks! I think I am okay thanks as I want to do similar with my Kaffenback, but just out of interest how much roughly and what size?

Posted about 6 years ago


jambon says:

No probs, with these do it all bikes they still surprise me. Frame details here: https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/319...

Posted about 6 years ago