not that expensive build for my weekend speeder
KHS Flite 100, 50cm
Stock KHS Flite 100 fork/FSA 1 inch threadless
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Pake Single Speed Crank/ Miche 107mm
MKS Sylvan Track Pedals + MKS Deep Doublegate Clips
Dura Ace NJS 14T/ BBB 48T Chainring /KMC 410 Rustbuster
Selle Royal Seta, PolygonBike Edition / Kalloy 26.8
FLKR ubrake - Diatech Gold Finger
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Mavic Open Sport/Novatec/Maxxis Detonator 700x23C
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Mavic Open Sport /Novatec/Maxxis Detonator 700x23C
Bianchi Bar Tape, Foss Inner Tube, Minoura Saddle Mount, BBB Bottlecage
Bike History
Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.
Current Stage Info:
changed my rims because of some fungus build up on the brake lines of my previous wheels.. tried to remove them using some chemical polish.. turned out that it already "eat" the wall and leaving some "craters" after being removed..
that's what happened when you live in a tropical country and forced to leave the bike inside a humid storage room at home for a while because of some college stuffs
Added by rifqi23cool. Last updated about 11 years ago.
As of about 11 years ago, rifqi23cool has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
You flite has come along nicely.
and yes track drops are not that comfy, especially on long rides. hence why bulls, tt bars and road bars grace a lot of street track... for me it's was a lack of good hand positions on my deda pistas, particularly when climing hills/grades. so I went back to deda chrono nero's & nitto rb021 for steet commuting and leave the pistas for the Velo...nice wolrd chanp stipes
how do you like the maxi detonators?
Posted over 12 years ago
thinking the exact same thing about handlebars.. last year i was using bullhorns and riser bars on my previous bike i bought from ace hardware before i sold it to my neighbor.. both bullhorns and riser serves well for street riding, no wrist pain after long rides, no pain when climbing hills and more knee clearance for long crotch skids downhill... but i'm about to make this bike "track use only" after i finish my ongoing roadbike project.. gonna change the ratio somewhere around 50-14 or 52-14 and i'll be taking off the brakes as well.. so after my project finishes, this baby will never touch asphalt again.. that makes the trackbars stay :D.. || about Maxiss detonator, i love it because they're not that expensive, 175.000 Indonesian Rupiahs each (around 18 $US).. secondly, i accidentally hit glass shrapnel from smashed beer bottles on the street several times... no holes til this very moment.. i can rely on these tires :)
Posted over 12 years ago
Sounds good.
That ratio should be good too. Not to tough to accelerate, won't tear your knees.
I don't know how some people are using 52x12 in such on the street... Cant b good. I'll leave that for my road bikes that have a derailure so I can shift Rasputin into such gears.
Posted over 12 years ago
i saw some kids in Jakarta with steep ratios without brakes on the street.. saw 52T front chainrings with cog around 13/14/15.. that's not very healthy and dangerous isn't it?
Posted over 12 years ago
it can be, deppends on how smart you ride.
44's-47's chain rings with 14-16 cogs good for tricks. 47's-51's 16-19 cogs good for areas with flats and hills. 52-55's with 12-16 cogs good for racing (preferably on the velo) cool for street as long as you build the drivetrain properly with good components, ride smart and safe and know your body's limits... I'm a road cyclist first and formost.. so I'm not into skid & tricks much to none (which also alows me to run even numbers on both my cog & chainrings), although I have and seen benifits in learning some sitting and standing skids( I still keep a brake on front with slight soft pumps to help reduce my caddence when at high speeds)
so I tend to run 48-52's on the chain ring(48 & 50 for fixed/ 49, 51, 52 on ss freewheel)
16, 17, 18 cogs on fixed & 16's & 15's on freewheel.
Posted over 12 years ago
chat it up with Mustangwolf, Coomer, Schrod others on here, they have good advice on ratios and such.
so far you're doing good. keep heading in that direction.
Posted over 12 years ago
potong sisa forknya bro!
Posted over 12 years ago
done! cuman belum update foto, hehehehe.. btw, shimano ente keren!
Posted over 12 years ago
ohhhhh wokee laahh sippp deh update tuhh :D ah ente bisa ajaa
Posted over 12 years ago
Clean and practical. Don't put many stickers on to look like every other fixie out there. It's a beauty as it is.
Posted over 12 years ago
thanks monsieur.. not planning to put any, except the rainbow stripes on the seattube.. even she's not a professional track bike, at least i want her to look like one, clean and stickerless :D
Posted over 12 years ago
kece sih tapi itu sadelnya ga bisa diturunin gara2 seatpostnya ya? temen gue jg kaya gitu...
Posted over 12 years ago
iya om! itu dia.. seatpost se-ukuran selain Funn Arrow apa ya? pengen ganti kyknya kalo ada.. hehehehe
Posted over 12 years ago
DayumPanda says:
You are allowed to have brakes on the track?
Posted over 11 years ago
rifqi23cool says:
nope, too dangerous to have them on during race.. the pic i took was a test ride before i raced with my friend.. during the race, i took down the brakes.. besides, i was alone during that test ride, so no one bothers :D
Posted over 11 years ago
DayumPanda says:
okay cool! My track is very strict on stuff like that. And plus I can't even put brakes on my bike LOL
Posted over 11 years ago
rifqi23cool says:
LOL, NJS Forks never had any drillings for brakes... btw, i saw your bike and i love it!
Posted over 11 years ago
DayumPanda says:
Thanks! I like yours too, cheers!
Posted over 11 years ago