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1989 Textima Sprint

This bike was built by hand in 1989 in the Textima research and development centre in Karl-Marx-Stadt in former GDR. It is listed as frame from Bill Huck. On this frame he probably won the sprint competition at the World Championship in Lyon in 1989! This kind of frame was built in order to meet the large mechanical stress during sprint competitions. The gussets and the double seat clamp strengthen the critical points of the frame. Beside this also some aerodynamic features were attached like the wishbone or the tapered top tube. Furthermore, the seat tube is squeezed downwards so that the wheelbase is shortened. This bike was used in that condition (except the wheelset) after the German reunification in a small club in the near of Frankfurt/M. The frame was probably consigned in 1989 with the typical silver/grey "Textima"-colour and after a few years in use it was repainted in black and get some new decals.


Textima sprint type/Campagnolo Record Pista

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Campagnolo Record Pista

Campagnolo Record Pista

Campagnolo Record Pista/ Renak/ Keba track chain

Textima Sprint (steel)/ Textima Bierhahn

Cinelli Unicanitor/Campagnolo Record

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
FIR/Campagnolo 40h Sheriff Star/Continental Sprinter

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
FIR/Campagnolo 40h Sheriff Star/Continental Sprinter

Diamant and Westbol Decals

Bike History

Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.

  1. Initial
  2. Stage 2

Added by steelbuddie. Last updated over 1 year ago.

As of over 1 year ago, steelbuddie has indicated that they no longer own this bike.



Mr_Tonzy_Linder says:

The decals are not by the Belgian Diamant brand. This block letters design was used in Karl-Marx-Stadt since mid of 80s but mainly for the knitting machines. On GDR bicycles this design can be found in the seat tube decals; just compare to the last examples in this list: http://ddr-fahrradwiki.de/Datierung_Dia...
As big logo on down tube is was used in different colors in 1990/91.

Posted over 5 years ago


steelbuddie says:

Ach, der Johannes ist nun auch hier :-)
Vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Ich dachte immer es wäre das Belgische. Hätte ja sein können dass das im Zuge eines Sponsorings draufgebappt wurde.

Posted over 5 years ago


moik says:

Wunderschönes Rad und einfach spitze !! Eine Überlegung dazu; Bist du sicher, dass es sich um die Originallackierung handelt? Sonst hat vielleicht jemand gedacht, dass die Diamant - Decals aus der DDR stammen - oder es war ein Auftrags-, respektive Sponsoringgeschichte?

Posted over 6 years ago


steelbuddie says:

Nein habe ich nich gedacht. Steht doch im Text ;-)
Original war das Rad silber, aber der Lack leidet arg wenn die DDR Sprinter in die Pedale treten. Und nach der Wende wurde es dann mal in nem Verein neu lackiert. Wahrscheinlich hatten die im dem Verein auch das belgische Diamant als Sponsor, weshalb es dann umgelabelt wurde. Quasi genauso wie beim SC Berlin und Winora :-)

Posted over 6 years ago


moik says:

Uups!!! Stimmt, sorry - hab das glatt überlesen... Aber was bleibt; Phantastisches Rad - ein Traum mit Geschichte :)

Posted over 6 years ago


steelbuddie says:

Das stimmt. Vielen Dank für die Blumen :-D

Posted over 6 years ago


J-Gazelle says:

What a beauty!

Posted almost 7 years ago


steelbuddie says:

Thanks :-)

Posted almost 7 years ago


dvnns says:

Wahnsinnig gut!

Posted about 7 years ago


steelbuddie says:

Find ich auch, danke :-D

Posted about 7 years ago


chalybeius says:

Rocketscience!!! Absolute Sahne!

Posted over 7 years ago


steelbuddie says:


Posted over 7 years ago


CUMBOT says:

hui! was ihr immer fuer feine dinge ausgrabt.^^

Posted over 7 years ago


steelbuddie says:

Mit dem hier hatte ich selbst nicht gerechnet :-P

Posted over 7 years ago


40degreerake says:

Frickin awesomeness.

Posted over 7 years ago


steelbuddie says:

Ohhhh yes :-D

Posted over 7 years ago