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Affinity Lo Pro X HelloEcho

Yeah! Finally i repainted my Lo-Pro, before it's a standart white and then now it's a Chameleon Colour. The colour can be change up to 5 colours depending on the point of view. It's can be Blue - Purple - Yellow - Orange - Red - Black :) Very love it!

Affinity Lo Pro | M

Affinity Lo Pro/Tange

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Sugino 75 NJS/Dura Ace 7400 NJS


DuraAce 15t NJS/Dura Ace 48t NJS/Izumi

Nitto RB021/Cinelli Alter


Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Spinergy Rev X - Dodici/DuraAce 7600/Continental Gatorskin

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Dodici/DuraAce 7600/Continental Gatorskin/Vittoria Rando

Added by helloecho. Last updated over 11 years ago.

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BKPakeRider says:

Loving your Lo, great taste with Affinity.

Posted about 10 years ago


LeaderGuy725 says:

How's that front spinergy treating you? I've been contemplation on getting one but I've heard to many bad reviews that they would blow out or crack easily

Posted almost 11 years ago


helloecho says:

i have no longer to use that spinergy. i just used for 1 month. :D

Posted almost 11 years ago


brembilla says:

That color is sick! With the angle of the bars and everything though, it looks like a hipstermobile tbh. Nice stem though, I have one too but I never use it.

Posted over 11 years ago


felixsusanto says:

wahh ini sih bengis .. ngilerr gilaa .. klo bole tau repaint dmn itu bro ? ada keluhan apa ga stlh repaint hehehe :D

Posted over 11 years ago


helloecho says:

hahaha bengis.. repaint di bengkel paint motor/mobil bro.. keluhan apa penyesalan maksudnya? hahaha.. ngak ada bro, soalnya bosen ama warna asli lopro :D

Posted over 11 years ago


felixsusanto says:

mksd ny abis d repaint cat ny ngelotok ato apa ga gitu hehehe .. di bengkel mana bro ? jakarta ? klo bole tauu kena brapa ya abis repaint hehe .. logo affinity dll ny ilang dnk ya ?

Posted over 11 years ago


helloecho says:

Oooh.. ngak bro, paling lecet karena pemakaian yg asal-asalan aja. ini repaint di Bali. Logonya hilang semua, tapi saya masih punya decal Affinity yg belum kepasang. sayang kalo mau dipasang. :D

Posted over 11 years ago


felixsusanto says:

uwow decal affinity nya bikin juga yah ? keren sih bro repaint annya .. kena brapa ituu klo boleh tau :D

Posted over 11 years ago


helloecho says:

repaintnya sekitar 500ribuan bro.. cuma make 1/4 liter cet..

Posted over 11 years ago


felixsusanto says:

UWOW 500 ribu ! gilaaa harga nya sih murah n hasilnya gilaa bner ! pake cat apa itu ?

Posted over 11 years ago


Henry says:

Wow! How much did that paint job cost?

Posted almost 12 years ago


hindrapro says:

Orang bali ya.. Pernah liat d bypass Gilimanuk - Negara!! Cadass....

Posted over 12 years ago


isaac says:

nice face.

Posted over 12 years ago


jackyboy says:

nice man... cool alter stem!!

Posted over 12 years ago


nino says:

spinergy yg blakang masi ada bro?

Posted over 12 years ago


helloecho says:

Rear Sold. Sisa yg front wheelset aja yg mau dijual nih.. :D PM aja bro..

Posted over 12 years ago


chubrider says:

dasar orang gila hahaha... kayak kenal tu sama stem-nya :D

Posted over 12 years ago


helloecho says:

Haha.. Kaga segila lo kali bang yudd.. Yg penting estetikanya dapet.. Caelaaa.. Haha.. Udh jatuh cinta ama Alter sih, gara2 alter saya ganti frame yg muat buat alter..

Posted over 12 years ago


grolazu says:

Looks brilliant..!! very nice paint job, but hmmm.. did you paint that beautiful stem color coded..?? Gak sayang bro..?? but anyway, it's awesome bike..

Posted over 12 years ago


helloecho says:

Yep.. I've painted the Cinelli Alter too, I have 2 Alters. :) kalo udah namanya idealis sih gapapa bro, biar gak bosen. Hehe.. Anyway thanks a lot :)

Posted over 12 years ago


grolazu says:

Oooow... I like the idea. You have 2 stems to play with.. Highly dedicated.. Keep up the good work, bro.. :)

Posted over 12 years ago

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