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R.I.P Turangga From Indonesia

got accident again 1st hit by car 2nd hit by motorcycle..

Turangga Postmo 51,5 by IKPN (Indonesian)

Stock / Tange Levin NJS

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Sugino 75 NJS / Sugino 75 NJS

Bike History

Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.

  1. 3nd
  2. 1st accident
  3. 2nd Accident

Added by nicolas. Last updated over 8 years ago.

As of over 8 years ago, nicolas has indicated that they no longer own this bike.

Latest 32 Comments

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cjdavid says:

sick fuckin bike.

Posted over 11 years ago


nicolas says:

lol?its a dead BIKE!

Posted over 11 years ago


cjdavid says:

have u built another bike?

Posted over 11 years ago


nicolas says:

dunno,maybe soon or never..still think it

Posted over 11 years ago


felixsusanto says:

what happen bro ?

Posted over 11 years ago


nicolas says:

biasa lah,ditabrak untuk ke 2 kalinya...indonesia,.motor asal ngebut2,mepet2,rem pajangan,otak dipantat haha

Posted over 11 years ago


felixsusanto says:

trs gmn?ga d gnti sm skli ya?lu ny gpp dnk?

Posted over 11 years ago


nicolas says:

ya gitu aja,cuman ngeliatin itu motornya padahal salah dia gw bangun dia jalan deh..gw nya ya benjol,lecet sana sini,otot tangan ketarik kiri sama kanan,pantat biru..haha

Posted over 11 years ago


SillyGooseCookie says:

Sorry to hear this. The frame was really something special.

Posted almost 12 years ago


nicolas says:

:( yeah,this frame so special for me..but i think i should change another frame.. (next project :P)

Posted over 11 years ago


rivoarfi says:

kece skali nih sepedah :D

Posted almost 12 years ago


nicolas says:

terima kasih mas :D

Posted almost 12 years ago


felixsusanto says:

bengiss nihh waduhh" btw CHUB bknny klo d pake lama mur ny bermslh yaa ? di jakarta bs beli bro ?

Posted almost 12 years ago


nicolas says:

ga sebengis red histo ente lah bro..ini msh ecek2 :( .iyo,kemaren ini pernah kelock satu sisi(bagian kanan) doang jadi yang bisa diputer cuman bagian kirinya aja dikendorin kencengin ga mau lepasin2 tapi dengan keberuntungan balik normal lagi.Inii beli 2nd sih bisa beli new tp belom kuat deh budgetnya hehehe :D

Posted almost 12 years ago


nicolas says:

lepas2* bkng lepas2in HAHA

Posted almost 12 years ago


felixsusanto says:

oh i see .. tp emg d jakarta ada yg jual yah ?

Posted almost 12 years ago


nicolas says:

Dulu sih ada,skrng sih ga tau deh gw..emang minat juga?lg ada yg jual tuh :p tp ga tau udah laku apa belom

Posted almost 12 years ago


felixsusanto says:

dlu smpet kpngn pake ,, tp stlh gw pkir" klo mur ny ga lama bermslh bgmn beli nya ,, di beijing ga ada yg jual ,, msti order dr US ga tau pngirimannya bgmn ntr -_-"

Posted almost 12 years ago


nicolas says:

ahahaha masih kepengen emang? kalo bermasalah pass lg genting ya nasib sih..(betus ban dijalan gitu trus tiba2 ga bs dibuka/problem tiba2)..

Posted almost 12 years ago


felixsusanto says:

buakakakka .. msi rada kpngn cmnn ya bgmnn mur nyaa :( knp bermslh bgtuu yee .. phil wood still the most durable hubs ever hahaha

Posted almost 12 years ago


nicolas says:

kekekekek,phill berat tuch...ada hub made in france yang lebih enteng drpd phill :p (katanya sih lg in di luar sana)

Posted almost 12 years ago


felixsusanto says:

iye phil berat tp longcer ... klo ga tetep campy record pista ckck .. zipp 3000 ny dapet brapa itu bro ?

Posted almost 12 years ago


nicolas says:

loncer sering digowes sih longcer broh..coba hub victorie :D katanya sih lebih longcer dari phill +lebih enteng...rahasia broh,dapetnya juga ga mulus..ada retak,bopak sana bopak sini yang jual ga mau tanggung jawab..katanya pake asuransi :p

Posted almost 12 years ago


nicolas says:

pokoknya ga worth harganya dengan kondisi barangnyaa hehehe :)

Posted almost 12 years ago


felixsusanto says:

wduh aaa retak n bopak sana sini ? kok msi bsa mao di bayarin bro ? pdhl harga ny ga cocok sm barangnya kan ? ada asuransi bgmn tuuhh jadii nya hahaha :D

Posted almost 12 years ago


nicolas says:

ntah orangnya disms katanya mau diganti rugi.tapi ga ada kabar,disms ga dibales dsbnya...udah dibayar lunas diawal..ya wis lah..awalnya gw udah minta suruh copot stickernya tp ga mau gitu yang jual..ya sudahlah biar yang diatas yang menghukum sih :D..

Posted almost 12 years ago


felixsusanto says:

emg bli via apa ? dapet brapa duid broo ? penasaran hehehe skr ada retak" gtu gmn tuhh wduh" serem juga klo d bawa jalan

Posted almost 12 years ago


nicolas says:

enggak retak ditengah2 gitu,retak dibagian antara ban sama wheel doang masih aman kok hehe..rahasia ah,tukeran dulu sama HEDnya HAHA

Posted almost 12 years ago


felixsusanto says:

ohh hahaha .. waduuh jgn d rahasiainn gtu dnk brohh hahaha .. hed ga ada apa"nya lah sm zipp 3000

Posted almost 12 years ago


nicolas says:

ya dituker aja deh kalo lebih bagus zipp 3000 sih *picik*

Posted almost 12 years ago


felixsusanto says:

buahaahahhaha ...
brooo kasiih tau dnk itu dapet brapa zipp 3000 nya ..
di jakarta brapaannn hehehehe :D

Posted almost 12 years ago


nicolas says:

puyauuuu *eh*

Posted almost 12 years ago

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